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Business type: Manufacturer
Business type: Exporter, Local market
Number of employees: 11 - 50
Annual sales value: Euro 500.000 – 1.000.000
Established year: 1978

Office supplies

Home & Garden

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Firm Rank: 0

Alda was estabilished as a private company in 1978 in Sosnowiec. From the very beginning Alda produced aluminium and, then, as a first Polish manufacturer, stainless steel household goods.

In eighties and the beginning of nineties, Alda was the only producer of aluminium pressure cookers as well as steel electric kettles (before, there had only been ceramic ones marketed in Poland).

At present, in Alda there are made powder lacquered kettles of aluminium in a variety of colours and, in addition, a wide range of stainless steel goods that are either polished to permanent high lustre or matted.

Undoubtedly, Alda is the greatest manufacturer of kettles as well as gas or electric cookers. Cordless stainless steel kettles are also made there.

Alda goods are known not only in Poland but also in a number of countries that they are exported to, which are as follows: Netherlands, England, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Hungary, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Russia.

In addition to the production line Alda has had, for a couple of years, its sports rally ream called "Alda-Motorsport". Andrzej Dziurka, the rally driver of the team, has severally been the Polish champion of the touring car racing (Ford Fiesta, Opel Astra, Renault megane, Alfa Romeo 155) both in flat and mountain race-track rallies.

For some years, the production section has been situated in Slawkow, the province of Malopolska. Recently, the Sports and Advertising Section has also been shifted from Dabrowa-Gornicza to Slawkow.

Address data

Postal code:41-219
Phone: +48 032 2931522
Fax: +48 032 2931522


Contact person

Name and Surname: Bogusław Antosiak
Phone: +48 032 2931522
Mobile: +48 0607985569
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