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DiscoverTech Solutions

Business type: Services
Business type: Local market
Number of employees: Brak danych
Annual sales value: Brak danych
Established year: 2009

Computer Hardware & Software


Business services

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Firm Rank: 0

Discover tech solution is well-known web development firm. We are working in various domains and offering lots of services relevant to the web. We are much esteemed to say that we are working as web service provider with fame and strength in The USA for a very long time. Our customer word of mouth is our utmost description and our company profile. We started only with development services but with the passage of time and our customer responses with courage we build our other domains which complement our development services. Discover tech has worked on the very versatile scale of frameworks and with people of different streams we know our scale and customized nature like what to offer and when to offer. Our group of creative and esthetically equipped designers enhance our work quality and make it presentable and distinguished from the rest of community. Our analysis procedure is very comprehensive in order to apprehend the customer’s needs. Even after monitoring this session we always welcomed our customer’s to get into the procedure and make it better on every stage. After all the final product is and should be what customer demands. We further enhanced our skill towards E-commerce solutions and other services relevant to it like asset locator and search services. For the connectivity of web frameworks and other servers, we change our layout to make it feasible with passage if the time for changing electronic devices. For our own evaluation which was done manually we setup a group who provides telemarketing services to our customers in order to facilitate them. We take the project and then listen to our customer’s requirements and manage to produce the outcomes they desire. Because ultimately the user experience is what matters. That’s what makes our company profile and exhibits our mode and performance of services we provide and this all makes us one of leading web service providers in the town.

Address data

Street:Suite 12114 Essen Bruk Dr Houston TX,77066
Postal code:77066
Country:United States
Phone: +281 281 4073959
Fax: +1 281 4073959


Contact person

Name and Surname: Avril Johnson
Phone: +12814 281 4073959
Mobile: +12814 2814073959
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