Pro-Gal s.c.
Business type: |
Manufacturer |
Business type: |
Importer, Exporter, Local market |
Number of employees: |
< 5 |
Annual sales value: |
Euro < 500.000 |
Established year: |
1996 |
Categories: |
Apparel & Fashion |
Contact: |
Firm Rank: 0
We sell suspenders since 1992. During first years of existence we were mediating in sales and trying to manufacture our own suspenders. After four years, in 1996 we formed Pro-gal s.c. company and use it to expand our assortment under RANGER brand and reach out to the larger range of customers.
Most of our products go for export. We send our products to clients from Russia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Romania, Bulgaria, Germany, England and others. Our experience and cooperation with leading manufacturers of rubber bands and fasteners guarantees the highest quality of our products. We hope that reach industrial design, attractive price, wide color gamut and perfect quality of our products will satisfy each buyer.
If you are interested in our offer, feel free to contact us.
We are specialist in our field and want our brand to be recognizable not only in Poland but also abroad. As perennial suspenders manufacturer we constantly try to expand our offer. Every day we exercise the utmost care to manufacture suspenders of the highest quality. We can offer you our experience, creativity and flexibility during realization of your order.
We strive for full satisfaction of our customers.
Address data
Street: | Konarskiego 87 |
City: | Warszawa |
Postal code: | 01-355 |
Region: | Mazovia |
Country: | Poland |
Phone: | +48 504 944659 |
Contact person |
Name and Surname: | Daniel Ługiewicz |
Mobile: | +48 504944659 |