Business type: |
Trading Company |
Business type: |
Importer, Exporter, Local market |
Number of employees: |
Brak danych |
Annual sales value: |
Brak danych |
Established year: |
1990 |
Categories: |
Electronics, electrical engineering |
Contact: |
Firm Rank: 0
Ampli S.A specialises in wholesale and retail of manufactured goods, especially for power engineering, construction and retail trade. The main products offered by our Company are: cables and wires, lighting, electric-light fittings for households and industry, street lighting, electrical accessories for installation, switches, disconnectors and accessories for aerial isolated lines. We also offer complex services in design of electrical installation, supervision and contracting.
AMPLI's strategy of development is based on the policy followed hitherto, of gaining new customers through development of sale network and expanding the range of products and services, mainly focused on Polish customers. The task of great importance is maintaining the position of AMPLI on the markets where it is well established.
Upper Silesia and Central Poland are the regions of interest for AMPLI. These directions of development will prove to be beneficial both due to substantial economic potential in those regions as well as proximity of the present area of operations. Entering the aforementioned markets requires substantial investment and will be realized through establishing of own shops and buying out the existing warehouses.
Efficient management of any company is not possible without efficient communication system between the branches and the headquarters as well as appropriate information flow and access to databases. Therefore our investment plan covers expenditure for development of communication systems (mainly electronic), further computerisation and modernisation of the IT system, with particular focus on sales and logistics.
Clients among the local self-governing authorities are of great importance to us. Administrative reform and changes in the power engineering law combined with increasing independence of local authorities will promote investment in the communal infrastructure in the forthcoming years.
Address data
Street: | Grażyńskiego 12 |
City: | Bielsko-Biała |
Postal code: | 43-300 |
Region: | Silesia |
Country: | Poland |
Phone: | +48 33 8124085 |
Fax: | +48 33 8124085 |
Contact person |
Name and Surname: | Robert Kocoń |
Phone: | +48 033 8124085 |