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Praterm S.A.

Business type: Services
Business type: Local market
Number of employees: 501 - 1000
Annual sales value: Euro 10.000.000 – 50.000.000
Established year: 1991

Energy & Raw materials

Firm Rank: 0

Production of thermal energy
The main area of operations of Praterm (and the Polska Grupa Ciepłownicza) is the production and distribution of thermal energy for central heating, hot usable water and industrial thermal energy applications. At present, Praterm is the owner of 15 municipal heat generation systems (both sources and networks) and two thermal-electric power station. In the majority of cities, Praterm is the main supplier of thermal energy. Modernisation work carried out on these heat generation systems has made it possible to attain considerable thermal energy production efficiency, improve the thermal comfort of users and significantly reduce emissions of CO2 and dusts. In addition, all cities attach considerable importance to the development of systems and connection of new consumers, which enables among others the elimination of low-emission sources. The prices of thermal energy in these cities are amongst the lowest in the entire region.

Address data

Street:Bronisława Czecha 36
Postal code:04-555
Phone: +48 22 8127615
Fax: +48 22 8127632


Contact person

Name and Surname: Tomasz Jemioło
Phone: +48 22 8127615
Mobile: +48 606142201