Category:Electronics, electrical engineering Country:Poland Featured companiesZakłady Tworzyw Sztucznych IZO-ERG S.A.
For over 60 years IZO-ERG S.A. has been a manufacturer of electro insulating and structural laminates made of thermosetting plastics: sheets, pipes and also flexible materials and mica laminates. The company majors in paper-phenolic laminates (bakelit), cotton- phenolic laminates (tekstolit) and glass-epoxy laminates.
Since 1991, the Company has been improving it's position in European and global market continuously and consistently. Currently IZO-ERG's S.A. European market share is a dozen[...]
Zakład Produkcji Urządzeń Oświetleniowych i Elektrycznych "ELGIS Garbatka" Sp. z o.o.
We would like to present the production scope of our company, the Producer of Lighting & Electrical Devices ELGIS-GARBATKA Ltd, present on the market since 1991. Due to market experience, knowledge and skills of our staff we can offer the highest quality products at competitive prices and also guarantee deliveries, complete and on time, in four basic production profiles:
* LIGHTING (internal and external)
SEEN distribution Sp. z o.o.
Established in 1990 Seen is a company offering manufacturers and commercial firms complex supplies of electronic elements and components (capacitors, transformers, potentiometers, resistors, resonators, lithium batteries, battery holders and others) as well as fasteners (PEM fasteners, various types of studs, nuts, standoffs and welding equipment).
In our normal course of business we are trying to earn your trust by taking a customized approach, securing the most competitive prices and offering[...]
GMG G. Grzelakowski [english] [german]
We have a large selection of different bird repellent products pigeon starlings, dog repellant, cat repeller, mouse repellent, rat repellent, cockroach repellent, mosquito bug repellent, mosquito repellent, mosquito repeller, mosquito repellent, repellent on vines, repellents at weasel, repellents on bats AGM batteries, NiCd batteries, gel batteries, rechargeable battery for the flashlight, Lithium-ion battery LI-ion, lithium batteries, alkaline batteries, silver batteries, hydrogen batteries, hearing[...]
Zakład Montażu Urządzeń Elektronicznych OLKO Sp. z o. o.
"OLKO" company, established in 1982, specializes in production of popular and professional devices in the following branches:
* alarm systems
* electronic and electrotechnical devices for animal raising
* car electronics
* automation and measuring electronic devices
* piezoceramic converters
* photometric systems of shape recognition created on the basis of own algorithms
Founder and present owner of the company is Mr Adam Kocuj.
All devices are created[...]
IMAKOR Sp. z o.o.
Imakor Sp. z o.o. (IMAKOR®) incorporated in 1992 bridges continents to source products for buyers and develop markets for sellers. Our international trading business focuses on machines and technologies for PACKAGING industry, WOOD industry, PLASTICS, raw materials and polymers, and other products.
To pave the way for flow of goods between global markets, we offer a wide range of integrated trade support services.
Our international reach is soundly supported by wide network of affiliates[...]
TELSIDD Polsko-Belgijska Sp. z o.o.
TELSIDD – The Polish-Belgian technology live works
Live Cleaning and Regeneration of High Voltage Electrical Equipment
We provide:
- The ideal removing of contamination
- The limitation of energy waste
- 35 % utilization cost reduction
- 2 years quality guarantee
- The possibility of discount in the property insurance
We offer:
- Cleaning live high and medium voltage lines
- Chemical conservation of[...]
ADSCREEN Andrzej Czajkowski
ADSCREEN has starting his activity in 1997.
Our firm produces modern electronic billboards and any kind of advertising signs, like digital clocks, road thermometers, text lines and exchange rates board.
Our devices are constructed from electromagnetic indicator elements produced by FP-Electronics from Canada (which has certificate ISO9002).
We used LED and LCD technology too.
We specialise at production of untypical electronics advertisement devices. Most of our products are made for clients’[...]