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Category: Food & Beverages -> Canned food

Country: Morocco

Language of presented products: All | german | english

Featured products

[Morocco]Spiced sardine

Spiced sardines in vegetable oil Can Club can easy open lid Net weight 125 g Drained weight 90 g Packing(s) Case of 50 cans Case of 100 cans Ingredients Sardines - vegetable oil - all spice - salt Contenance by container 20 feet 2400 cases of 50 cans 1200 cases of 100 cans Observation:Other pakaging and shrink-wrapping on customer's request[...]


[Morocco]Sardine in vegetable oil

Nature Sardines in vegetable oil Can Club can easy open lid Net weight 125 g Drained weight 90 g Packing(s) Case of 50 cans Case of 100 cans Ingredients Sardines - vegetable oil - salt Contenance by container 20 feet 2400 cases of 50 cans 1200 cases of 100 cans Observation:Other packaging and shrink-wrapping on customer's request[...]


[Morocco]Sardine in Tomato

Nature Sardines in tomato sauce Can Club can easy open lid Net weight 125 g Drained weight 90 g Packing(s) Case of 50 cans Case of 100 cans Ingredients Sardines - tomato sauce - salt[...]
