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Category: Environment

Country: Bulgaria

Language of presented products: All | german | english

Featured products

[Bulgaria]Save the PLANET - Waste Management, Recycling, Environment

Save the Planet – Waste Management, Recycling, Environment South-East European Conference and Exhibition 5-7 April 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria Organizer: Via Expo Scope: waste collection, transportation, waste treatment, landfill management and operations, waste-to-energy and recycling, services. Keeping pace with the market trends and demand ‘Save the Planet’ encourages the waste and recycling technology transfer to South-East Europe. It will provide participants with a quick market[...]


[Bulgaria]Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

12th Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Forum and Exhibition for South-East Europe 5-7 April 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria Organizer: Via Expo Scope: energy efficient solutions for heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting and other manufacturing sectors; bio-, hydro, solar, geothermal and wind energy, waste-to-energy, electric vehicles, etc.[...]


[Bulgaria]Firewood Sawdust Briquettes

100% natural and pure Firewood Sawdust Briquettes with high calorific value for fireplaces and stoves, produced and exported by BioCarbon Ltd.[...]
