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Category: Energy & Raw materials

Country: Netherlands

Language of presented products: All | german | english

Featured products

[Netherlands]Multi Gas Personal Monitors

Personal Sample Draw 5 in 1 Gas Monitor Three operating modes: Normal, Bar Hole, and Leak Check Monitors LEL, and % volume methane, O2, and CO (optional H2S) Barhole mode tests for peak methane and oxygen levels Leak detect mode offers high sensitivity tests for ppm level natural gas leaks 0 to 100% volume Methane Auto-ranging display of % volume and % LEL Internal sample drawing pump with up to 40' range Vibration, visual, and audible alarms Automatic backlight during alarms[...]


[Netherlands]Silica - Direct from Mines to buyers

Raw Silica Sand for sale direct from mines. Best possible prices. Direct enquiry receives immediate details of product and sales.[...]
