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Category: Machines & Tools -> Pomps & Compressors

Country: Italy

Language of presented products: All | german | english

Featured products

[Italy]Digital vacuum gauge

The new VM202 Vacuum gauge is an instrument suitable for hot-filament Pirani heads. The product has been engineered for high reliability and friendly using in the field of the refrigeration industries. It can tolerate large supply voltage variation and display features; both numeric and bargraph readouts. The VM202’s outputs comprise four isolated contact pairs: two for the high and low vacuum thresholds, one multi purpose and one for the timing of a solenoid valve. A special support[...]


[Italy]Vacuum pumping group

New POLO Vacuum pumping group composed by: 1. Vacuum pump (displacement from 10m3/h to 21m3/h - 170 l/m to 350 l/m) 2. Digital vacuum gauge for the indication of the level of vacuum; 3. Pirani head; 4. Exhaust filter to trap the oil moixture; 5. Condensate separator to protect the vacuum pump from the water vapor; 6. Special flanges with pirani port and connection for two pipes to make vacuum at the same time to two units.[...]
