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Category: Medicine, Health & Beauty

Country: Switzerland

Language of presented products: All | german | english

Featured products

[Switzerland]Organic Silicon, Silicium Organique

Organic Silicon Silicon is an essential nutritional secondary macronutrient with the operation of our organization. SI-G5 is presented in colloidal form, form in which it is present in our cartilages. It is a nutritional complement with drinking, at 100% assimilable by your body. The MonomethylSilanetriol molecule is of important interest in our organization. It takes part in: - the maintenance, flexibility and the mobility of the tendons and muscles - the youth and protection of our fabrics[...]


[Switzerland]Wonderup natural breast enhancement

product approved bt the italian health ministry we are looking for wholesaers Detailed Product Description What is in wonderup? Wonderup is a blend of organically grown herbs. It's all natural. There are no chemicals in this product. It works with your body chemistry simply, safely and naturally. It contains only selected ingredients and foods: Soy, hops, alfalfa, fennel, borage, carrot, pollen, fenugreek, rosehips, gingko, ginseng, barley, milk thistle, vervain, galega. How do these herbs[...]


[Switzerland]Manplus Power against male impotence

Product approved by the italian ministry of health we are looking for wholesalers Manplus Power is a herbal food suppliers made of 14 different kind of herbs. It gives a real help against male impotence with no controindication. It is not a medicine and no chemical at all in it. Please fell free to ask for every question may have.[...]
