Category: Metalurgy
Country: Poland
  Our company offers doing various types of plastic and mechanical metal working, especially roll flowing, stamping, turning, milling, cold roll forming, cutting, sawing, polishing, grinding, welding, soldering, fusion welding and spinning of spare parts, elements, good, accessories, advertising gadgets together with assembling and metal finishing.[...]   Details...   We offer our services. Our workshop enables all kinds of metal processing including: copper, brass, aluminium or steel. Especially roll forming method, spinning (complexed shapes) e.g.: lamp parts, devotional articles, music instruments, decoration haberdashery, air-conditioning, ventilation, cooling, aircraft industry, electronical equipment, household appliances. Decorated with silver, chrome, nickel, zinc or painted.
Our marketing goal is client's satisfaction and pleasure derived from our[...]   Details...   As a service we offer the option to make in our company all types of metal treatment (including copper and its alloys and austenitic steel), especially as roll flowing and spinning with complex shapes e.g.: lamp, ventilation parts, vases, dishes, covers, masking frames, collars, ash pits, supports etc. We make short, single series and long, repeatable ones.
In our company we can provide full service from retail spinning to decoration or protection nickel, chrome, silver, copper, zinc, paint or[...]   Details...   As a service we offer the option to make in our company all types of metal treatment (including copper and its alloys and austenitic steel), especially as roll flowing and spinning with complex shapes e.g.: lamp, ventilation parts, vases, dishes, covers, masking frames, collars, ash pits, supports etc. We make short, single series and long, repeatable ones.
In our company we can provide full service from retail spinning to decoration or protection nickel, chrome, silver, copper, zinc, paint or[...]   Details...   As a service we offer the option to make in our company all types of metal treatment (including copper and its alloys and austenitic steel), especially as roll flowing and spinning with complex shapes e.g.: lamp, ventilation parts, vases, dishes, covers, masking frames, collars, ash pits, supports etc. We make short, single series and long, repeatable ones.
In our company we can provide full service from retail spinning to decoration or protection nickel, chrome, silver, copper, zinc, paint or[...]   Details...   Our company offers doing various types of plastic and mechanical metal working, especially roll flowing, stamping, turning, milling, cold roll forming, cutting, sawing, polishing, grinding, welding, soldering, fusion welding and spinning of spare parts, elements, good, accessories, advertising gadgets together with assembling and metal finishing.[...]   Details...  As a service we offer the option to make in our company all types of metal treatment (including copper and its alloys and austenitic steel), especially as roll flowing and spinning with complex shapes e.g.: lamp, ventilation parts, vases, dishes, covers, masking frames, collars, ash pits, supports etc. We make short, single series and long, repeatable ones.
In our company we can provide full service from retail spinning to decoration or protection nickel, chrome, silver, copper, zinc, paint or lacquer layer.[...]   Details...   Metal spinning
As a service we offer the option to make in our company all types of metal treatment (including copper and its alloys and austenitic steel), especially as roll flowing and spinning with complex shapes e.g.: lamp, ventilation parts, vases, dishes, covers, masking frames, collars, ash pits, supports etc. We make short, single series and long, repeatable ones.
In our company we can provide full service from retail spinning to decoration or protection nickel, chrome, silver, copper,[...]   Details...  The Diagnostic Laboratory carries out testing of welded joints in:
* heating pipelines,
* pipelines of chemical installations,
* pressure vessels and boilers,
* constructions of bridges and viaducts,
* installations of pipelines in shipbuilding industry,
* welders' experimental and examination joints,
* other constructions.
Types of conducted testing of welded joints:
* visual according to PN-EN 970,
* radiographic X-ray according to PN-EN 1435,
[...]  Details...   For high loads and moments carried by the whole construction,
KANYA offers a system of aluminium profiles, guides, carriages
and TECLINE accessories, alternatively with drives and end sensors.
Profiles with 360x200, 280x170 and 200x120 sections
constitute the basis for the construction of production lines designable only
with this system. For lower loads use SYS profile, use without steel tracks.[...]  Details...