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Category: Chemicals & Plastics -> Others

Country: Turkey

Language of presented products: All | german | english

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[Turkey]Potassium chloride KCL

We are a manufacturing and export company manufacturing and exporting following products: Potassium Chloride, Barite, Bentonite Salt, Olivine Sand, and Big Bags. POTASSIUM CHLORIDE: EN: Potassium Chloride DA: Kaliumchlorid DE: Kaliumchlorid ES: Kloruro Potasico FI: Kaliumkloridi FR: Chlorure de Potassium IT: Cloruro di Potassio NL: Kaliumchloride PT: Cloreto de Potassio SV: Kaliumklorid RO: Clorura de Potasiu PL: Potasu Chlorek SV: Kaliumklorid 1. Fine[...]
