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Category: Chemicals & Plastics -> Chemical products -> Chemical preparations and reagents

Country: Iran

Language of presented products: All | german | english

Featured products

[Iran]Paraffin Wax, Semi Refined Paraffin Wax

We are exporter of Paraffin Wax. We export Semi Refined Paraffin Wax 1-3%, Semi Refined Paraffin Wax 3-5%. Semi Refined Paraffin Wax 2-4%. We sell Semi Refined Paraffin Wax in competitive prices. Our paraffin wax is ready to be offered to you with the best and most competitive price. Paraffin wax, classified as a chemical preservative, is widely used on Paper industries, coating/sizing and matches. It is also the main material for candle manufacturing and could be used as a blending in[...]
