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Category: Jewellery, Gifts & Crafts -> Religious items

Country: Nepal

Language of presented products: All | german | english

Featured products

[Nepal]Prayer Flags

Prayer Flags There areFive different designs are printed on 5 colors of cotton cloth and sewn onto ropes in horizontal display: Blue- Longevity Flag, White- Purification Flag, Red- Wishfufilling Flag, Green- Tara Flag, and Yellow- Wind Horse Flag. They come presewn in sets of 5 flags or 25 flags (5 sets of 5). Each flag is approximately 15" x 18" so a set of 5 flags is about 7 ft. long and a set of 25 flags is about 34 ft. long[...]


[Nepal]Mane Buddhist craft

Handcrafted Buddhist religious craft. Wood carving[...]
