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Category: Chemicals & Plastics -> Chemical products -> Others

Country: Iran

Language of presented products: All | german | english

Featured products

[Iran]Slack wax, Heavy Slack wax, Light slack wax

We are exporter of Slack wax. We export Heavy Slack wax, Light slack wax . Our selling Heavy Slack wax, Light slack wax used as blending components or waterproofing agents in the manufacture of various industrial products such as candles, polishes, matches, inks, carbon paper and externally can be applied as good dust suppressants or controlled-release agents for various chemical and fertilizers.[...]


[Iran]Sodium Hydrosulphide (NaHS)

We would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as trader and the second largest manufacturer of Sodium Sulphide (Na2S), Sodium Hydrosulphide (NaHS) the world. Please note that our factory is under Solvay Italy license and 30% of our product is being used by Solvay's soda ash plant in Europe. Also we are exporting to more than 18 countries around the world to different mines (copper & zinc &…), Tanneries, Soda Ash manufacturers, Paper manufacturers and Dye stuff manufacturers.[...]
