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Category: Food & Beverages

Country: Israel

Language of presented products: All | german | english

Featured products

[Israel]Gelato stabilizer & diet base

We are manufactureing best ice cream &all cind off gelato stabilizers and nature flavours.[...]


[Israel]Brazilian yellow soybeans #2 non - gmo certified

please find our detailed product information brazilian yellow soybeans #2 non gmo - certified. specification.: test weight.: (lbs/bu) 54 min protein.: 35.0% min. moisture content.: 13.5% max. splits.: 20.0% max. foreign matters.: 2.0% max. soybean other colour.: 2.0% max. heat damaged kernels.: 0.1% max. total dameged kernels.: 2.0% max. oil content.: 18.5% min. crop latest. packing bulk. origin brazil. procedures primary documentation.: loi/icpo + bcl by swift[...]


[Israel]Schlossgold Non Alcoholic beer

The Austrian best known non alcoholic beer.[...]


[Israel]Organic Soy Products: Soymeal and Crude Soy Oil

High protein organic soymeal from Brazil, available up to >48% protein level. Certified to EU or NOP level by IBD. Bulk lined containers or bagged. Also available, crude organic soy oil to same certified standard. Supply in Isotanks.[...]


[Israel]Organic Milling Wheat

Top quality organic milling wheat from sources mainly in Argentina and Italy. Protein level between 12-16% according to customer\'s preference. Available for shipping in bulk, lined containers or in 50 kg bags. Certification to EU or NOP standards as required.[...]
