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Category: Construction -> Metal U-links

Country: Poland

Language of presented products: All | german | english

Featured products

[Poland]Technical chains

Technical chains, cattle chains and dog chains[...]


[Poland]Clenching elements for hydraulic pipes

Hydraulic clenchings are part of a hydraulic conduit. They consists of an end, clamping socket (sleeve) and a nut, or of an end and a clamping socket (sleeve).[...]



Steel flanges and cast iron flanges for pipes according to European and American standards. We also adjust to customers' needs and base on their own drawings; - technical chains, cattle chains and dog chains; - steel lever shears - cast iron moulds: artistical, technical, home use etc. - other [...]


[Poland]Metal pipe connections

Steel screwed pipe connections with a ring or ball end (conical) are used in hydraulic drives and steering systems in different branches of industry for connecting or joining steel pipes or hoses of nominal pressure up to 16 MPa and 32 MPa, for liquids which do not cause corrosion acc. to PN-79/M-73079. Light series products – L(16MPa) are used for higher mechanic loads, e.g. in high pressure conduits. Heavy series products – S(32 MPa) are used in high pressure hydraulic installations, e.g.[...]
