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Category: Food & Beverages -> Food & related products -> Oils, animal and vegetable fats

Country: Spain

Language of presented products: All | german | english

Featured products

[Spain]Extra Virgin Olive Oil in 1 Liter Tin. Coreysa

We like to present our beatifull one liter Tin of Extra Virgin sold in excellent companIES AROUND THE WORLD. LOWEST PRICES IN COREYSA, BEST QUALITY Also Extra Virgin in Pets, Glass and Bulk. We are one the largest manufacters in Spain with ober 30 million kilos production Content per 100 ml.: Energetic value 824'4 Kcal./3,389'2 Kj Fats 91'6 g among them: Proteins 0 g. Saturated 12'3 g Carbohydrates 0 g. Monounsaturated 72 g. Vit E: 20 mg. (200% C.D.R.) Bottling conditions:[...]


[Spain]Extra Virgin Olive Oil in Pets of 1,2 and 5 Liters

Extra Virgin in different Pets, Glass , tins and Bulk. Best prices in Spain. We are manufacters since 1917. Long experience on export. PLEASE SEND EMAIL FOR PRICES Content per 100 ml.: Energetic value 824'4 Kcal./3,389'2 Kj Fats 91'6 g among them: Proteins 0 g. Saturated 12'3 g Carbohydrates 0 g. Monounsaturated 72 g. Vit E: 20 mg. (200% C.D.R.) Bottling conditions: Inert atmosphere --- Echological bottle --- No aditives.[...]
