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Category: Construction -> Construction services

Country: Poland

Language of presented products: All | german | english

Featured products

[Poland]Building Industry - Individual houses

We have all necessary knowledge, experience and technical and economic capabilities as well as skilled employees who can execute each order relating to renovations, constructions (esp. base building) in housing and industrial building including interior installations all over the country and abroad. Wir leisten ebenfalls Projektarbeiten, Bauarbeiten, Renovierungsdienste an Wohnungsgebäuden sowie an Industrieobjekten. In den Jahren 2000-2004 haben wir in Deutschland eine Reihe von Objekten fertiggestellt,[...]


[Poland]Building industry - Houses for many families

We have all necessary knowledge, experience and technical and economic capabilities as well as skilled employees who can execute each order relating to renovations, constructions (esp. base building) in housing and industrial building including interior installations all over the country and abroad. Wir leisten ebenfalls Projektarbeiten, Bauarbeiten, Renovierungsdienste an Wohnungsgebäuden sowie an Industrieobjekten. In den Jahren 2000-2004 haben wir in Deutschland eine Reihe von Objekten fertiggestellt,[...]
