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Category: Energy & Raw materials -> Mining industry -> Marble and stones

Country: India

Language of presented products: All | german | english

Featured products

[India]Sandstones, Quartzite Stones, Slates

We can supply many types of Sandstones, Quartzite Stones, Slate Stones etc Like. RED CHOCOLAT,WHITE CHOCOLAT,AUTUMN GREY,MONSOON GREEN AND YELLOW GLADE.We can get blocks as well as slabs/tiles and natural split antiskid surface of the same.This group has over 2000 hectares of quarries with additional colors like Absolute black,Milk white,yellows etc as well as sand stone.The potential here is huge as quantities are no problems.We can use for cladding as well as outdoor land scaping etc.[...]


[India]SandStone from India

We process and export SandStone,Granites ,Slates and Marbles from India. WE export in all forms like Blocks,Slabs,Tiles,Pavers and Fascia etc... For our product catalogue Plz. visit our website.[...]
