In our collection you can find pictures of the most famous world painter, polish painter and aslo unknown painting
Our reproductions have the high quality woods frames . You can choose frames with rich ornaments or in more simple style.
We have been on world market for 10 years. That's why we have our own style and we can offer you so rich collection of painting. We hope that you will find in our offer something for you.[...]
Nut-cracker in shape of a little crocodile made of brass. Very original style makes it matching for every interior. Nut-cracker made of brass fits to traditional and modern interior. Our nut-cracker is very solid and can be used for cracking nuts. Nut cracker was overlied by a very solid enamel which keeps it unoxygenated and full of glamour. Our brass- product is absolutely uniqe.The nut-cracker is a very good gift to someone who loves original wares with their own, little soul.
Weight: 600 g
Length: 25 cm[...]
Reproductions - Dali. The Enigma of Desire - My Mother, My Mother, My Mother, 1929
Staatsgalerie Moderner Kunst.
67 cm x 91 cm 395.00 €
54 cm x 74 cm 330.00 €
41 cm x 56 cm 300.00 €[...]