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Category: Printing & Publishing -> Advertising -> Advertisement gadgets

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Language of presented products: All | german | english

Featured products

[Poland]Stirling's engine - 24-karat gold

This is a micro version of the Stirling's engine covered with real 24-karat gold. It is a true and working prototype of an engine invented and constructed by a Scottish clergyman Robert Stirling. Features: Gift providing the highest possible level of prestige.[...]


[Poland]Air fresheners

Known under other name as well: - Car smells - Car tags - Car air fresheners Car smells - promotional product - can be distribute as: - Small promotion gift, - Paper insert, - Mailing bonus, - POS material. We offer wide selection of high-quality flower, fruit, eggnog, fancy smells. The shapes of hangers are limited only by fantasy. We administer huge catalogue off the punches, which we render accessible to our clients without payment. Inscription on the hangers: -[...]


[Poland]Cups: ROMA

Cups: ROMA capacity: 270ml colours: 12[...]
