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Category: Construction

Country: Italy

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[Italy]WOOD FLOOR (wood flooring, parquet floor, wood floors, wooden floor)

These wooden floors are not included in legislation being floors with wooden hand crafts made. They may show: chamfer more or less pronounced, read cracks, not flatness, depressions the manual polishing, ginning, restoration of small portions of the table, each knot size and small holes consolidated or plastered, a mixture of several shades of wood slightly aligned by coating done by hand. The collection is made with unique craftsmanship process. The compositions in their appearance is also different[...]


[Italy]KY lighting system (lighting fixtures, ceiling lamps, floor lamps)

design Paolo De Lucchi Range of adjustable IP20/IP40 spotlights with adaptor to fit mains voltage track, available both with discharge and halogen lamps. Conceived by simply subtracting matter from an extruded aluminium profile, this apparently basic process determines its "lightness" look. Created especially for the retail industry, Ky discretely suits also other spaces, always granting a perfect visual comfort. Thanks to its pointing flexibility (360° on the vertical axis, 180°[...]



Indoor wall lamp made of polished casting of aluminium with a stainless steel stand. This lamp provides an indirect lightening and can function with E27 halogen bulbs up to 250 Watt.[...]


[Italy]Paints Etruria

Etruria of the ArteNova is a glazing brush paint resistant to both acid and alkali attack. It is suitable for use over interior surfaces in gypsum plaster, gypsum-board and pre-cast concrete. Etruria is a two-pack system comprising a primer and a finisher (as top coat), which are spread using short, criss-crossed brush strokes. Its speed and ease of application allow the professional applicators to unleash their imagination and create near-infinite textured and colour effects. Etruria is[...]
