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DaXingAnLing Lingonberry Organic Foodstuffs Co., Ltd

[China]blueberry anthocyanin

The Blueberry P.E widely exists in plant's flower, the fruit and the rhizome, is main colored ingredient in plant, belongs to the flavonoid. The Blueberry P.E has the many kinds of physiological action, it can adjust the blood capillary the permeability, the maintenance cell integrity, also has the formidable anti-oxidized function. Through further studies we discover the Blueberry P.E has promotion rhodopsin function and so on archery target synthesis, prevention thrombus and arteriosclerosis, suppression[...]



It has relieves sickness and stabilize affright, make the blood circulate well and stop pain, own the digestion bowel movement and the disintoxicating effect. Fresh seedling result in spreads scratches, May treat the nettle rash. Pound the fresh grass then the juice can cure bite of viper. Package: cardboard drums, with double aseptic food poly bags inside. Or by cartons, with vacual aseptic food poly bags inside, 20kgs per carton with 8 bags inside,2.5kg per bag.[...]


[China]blueberry concentrate

(sales6 at lgberry dot com dot cn)The product is produced by supper low temperature technology, with natural wild blueberries ligonberries origin of Daxinganling Region as raw materials.Brix65%, acid15-17%, without pectin, protein, starch, transparent after being diluted, up to export standards. Package: cardboard drums, with double aseptic food poly bags inside. Or by cartons, with vacual aseptic food poly bags inside, 20kgs per carton with 8 bags inside,2.5kg per bag.[...]


[China]iqf wild blueberry

(sales6 at lgberry dot com dot cn)Our material is wild blueberry in DaXingAnLing primeval forest. With our advanced individually quick frozen technology, the wild blueberry, which is rich in nutrition, is well kept its natural color and pleasant savory. Our IQF blueberry meets the European a grade for exporting to USA, Europe, Japan, etc. European A Grade Standard Quality Description of IQF wild blueberry: 1. The number of five or less than five conglutination is below 8%. 2. Natural color[...]



The plant withdraws Arbutin P.E WE-V25 is natural Arbutin P.E which withdraws from more the orange leaf the ingredient, not only includes 25% Arbutin P.E, but also includes massive Arbutin P.E the derivative, various living thing this phenose glucoside class compound, the flavonoid and the tannic acid and so on, its activeness not only displays in the suppression melanin production, moreover also has the peroxide mutase the type function, and has the certain degree to UV-B the absorption, therefore[...]
