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DaXingAnLing Lingonberry Organic Foodstuffs Co., Ltd


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The plant withdraws Arbutin P.E WE-V25 is natural Arbutin P.E which withdraws from more the orange leaf the ingredient, not only includes 25% Arbutin P.E, but also includes massive Arbutin P.E the derivative, various living thing this phenose glucoside class compound, the flavonoid and the tannic acid and so on, its activeness not only displays in the suppression melanin production, moreover also has the peroxide mutase the type function, and has the certain degree to UV-B the absorption, therefore WE-V25 besides has effect of the beautiful dazzlingly bright skin, but also to the nutrition skin, the tender skin guards against wrinkles and so on the function, for skin by pure natural protecting.

The plant withdraws Arbutin P. E WE-V25 also to have to dispel phlegm, the anti- inflammation, antibacterial and so on the biological activity.and is served as the town to cough the medicine and the urethra disinfectant and so on, also takes food addition agent use in US.
Specification: WE-V25(Q/XXHG05-2002) WE0V98(Q/XXHG06-2002)
Appearance: Light yellow powder With yellowish
Solubility: Freely soluble in water and ethanol Nod deposition after being dissolved
Arbutin ≥25% ≥98%
Water <5% <0.5%
Lgnitionresidus <0.5%
Heavy emtal <5ppm
Bacteria count <300CPU, Salmonellaor Escherichiacolishould not be detectded
Mold <100CPU
Package: cardboard drums, with double aseptic food poly bags inside. Or by cartons, with vacual aseptic food poly bags inside, 20kgs per carton with 8 bags inside,2.5kg per bag.
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Additional information:

Price:Ask for price
Delivery time:10 days


Related products: Medizin, Gesundheit & Schönheit ->Herbs & Natural Remedies


DaXingAnLing Lingonberry Organic Foodstuffs Co., Ltd

Straße:1 LvShui Road, SongLing District, DaXingAnLing City, HeiLongJiang, China
Telefon: +86 452 6101888
Fax: +86 452 6188377


Name und Vorname: Jessica Zhang
Telefon: +86 452 6101888
Handy: +86 15845611998
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