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Land:Russische Föderation

Featured companies

ЗАО Керамик more

Land: Russische Föderation
Region: Russische Föderation
Ort: Пятигорск
Straße: Нежнова
Telefon: +7 87933 393612
Fax: +7 87933 393612
Firm Rank: 0
2. On available areas it is offered to construct absolutely new factory with the import equipment to produce 50-70 million facing bricks a year, 30 million pieces of a pore stone and other ceramic building materials. It is necessary for the solving of the specified problems: - to involve necessary investments for modernization of operating manufacture, to introduce the new capacities and their effective operation; - to lead updating of a fixed capital of the enterprise of the building materials[...]

Hardwood Trading more

Land: Russische Föderation
Region: Russische Föderation
Ort: Moscow
Straße: Krasnoproletarskaya st. 16
Telefon: +7 916 1608013
Firm Rank: 0
Privolzhskaya woodprocessing Company (PwC) is one of the leading Russian manufacturers of large-size birch plywood. The mill is equipped with modern equipment and possess advanced technology in order to produce high quality products. Hardwood Trading company is an exclusive distributor of PwC for export markets. We export high quality plywood of the following types: WBP, bakelized Plywood (FBW). Birch plywood WBP rigin: Russian Federation Thicknesses from 4mm to 30mm Size: 1220x2440 mm[...]

ООО Эверест more

Land: Russische Föderation
Region: Russische Föderation
Ort: Ижевск
Straße: Ленина
Telefon: +8 3412 681810
Fax: +8 3412 591789
Firm Rank: 0

ИНКОЛ more

Land: Russische Föderation
Region: Russische Föderation
Ort: Екатеринбург
Straße: Генеральская
Telefon: +7 343 3753808
Fax: +7 343 3753809
Firm Rank: 0
We supply a large scale of foreign industrial spareparts,components and equipment to Russian small and middle enterprises for all kind of manufacturing. Take an orders for RS Components, Mouser, Pizzato,Ecom Instruments,Malico,COBA products. We produce the engineering search and consulting, try to supply by the best way, provide cargo delivery from abroad, sertification,custom cleareance and give the goods directly to client's hands all over the Russia. We sell Russian manufacturing products[...]

Максима, ООО more

Land: Russische Föderation
Region: Russische Föderation
Ort: Самара
Straße: Товарная, 2
Telefon: +7 846 2768383
Firm Rank: 0

ПРОМЕТЕЙ 2008 more

Land: Russische Föderation
Region: Russische Föderation
Ort: Санкт-Петербург
Straße: В. Алексеева д.6
Telefon: +7 951 6775978
Firm Rank: 0

Westhome more

Land: Russische Föderation
Region: Russische Föderation
Ort: Москва
Straße: Армянсикй переулок
Telefon: +7 495 2079943
Fax: +7 495 2079603
Firm Rank: 0

ООО - "Предприятие МВС" more

Land: Russische Föderation
Region: Russische Föderation
Ort: Москва
Straße: Ленинградский проспект, д.14, к. 4, кв. 193
Telefon: +7 499 1362258
Fax: +7 495 6996008
Firm Rank: 0