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Land:Russische Föderation

Featured companies

ООО "Дом-на-земле" more

Land: Russische Föderation
Region: Russische Föderation
Ort: Новочеркасск
Straße: Московская
Telefon: +7 495 5007697
Firm Rank: 0


Land: Russische Föderation
Region: Russische Föderation
Ort: Санкт-Петербург
Straße: ул. Емельянова
Telefon: +7 812 3883786
Fax: +7 812 3883786
Firm Rank: 0

KhimStroyResurs more

Land: Russische Föderation
Region: Russische Föderation
Ort: Tula
Straße: Novomoskovskoe
Telefon: +7 4872 250032
Firm Rank: 0

Спецжелезобетон-Юг ООО more

Land: Russische Föderation
Region: Russische Föderation
Ort: Каснодарский край, г. Белореченск
Straße: Майкопское шоссе, 4
Telefon: +7 86155 33115
Fax: +7 86155 33094
Firm Rank: 0

Rolling Plant Alukom more

Land: Russische Föderation
Region: Russische Föderation
Ort: Krasnoyarsk
Straße: Ulianovsky
Telefon: +7 3912 374708
Firm Rank: 0
The companies of the corporation are united on the basis of the property and moreover in the meaning of the name Alukom the main field of business is concluded: ACP – aluminum composite panel. The major company of the corporation is the rolling plant Alukom. The main direction of the plant is the production of panels and their preprocessing: manufacturing of intermediates for mounting plate and intermediates for columns. ACP is used in interior and exterior finishing of buildings, especially non-residential,[...]

Закрытое акционерное общество "ПИРС-М" more

Land: Russische Föderation
Region: Russische Föderation
Ort: Москва
Straße: Ф. Энгельса
Telefon: +7 095 2210645
Fax: +7 095 2210644
Firm Rank: 0

Asda more

Land: Russische Föderation
Region: Russische Föderation
Ort: Moscow
Straße: ASASD
Telefon: +7 9997874511
Firm Rank: 0
Company production of plastic windows, located in Volgograd (Russian Federation), looking for foreign partners to supply spare parts to Russia. Are ready to send his man for a contract to supply anywhere in the world.[...]

Andromeda company more

Land: Russische Föderation
Region: Russische Föderation
Ort: Mytischi
Straße: Lyotnaya
Telefon: +7 495 5437600
Firm Rank: 0