Курсы валют: 1 GBP = 1.13 EUR; 1 USD = 0.94 EUR [далее...]
Язык: deutsch english

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Категория:Металлургия -> Металлургия -> Литейные заводы



REMIX S.A. more [английский] [немецкий]

Страна: Польша
Район: Lower Silesia
Город: Świebodzin
Улица: Poznańska 36
Телефон: +48 68 382 80 04
Факс: +48 68 382 57 18
Firm Rank: 0
Herstelleler der Anlagen zur Wärmbehandlung und Öfen zum schmelzen und warmhalten der NE-Metallen. Prodiktion Programm: 1. Einrichtungen zur Wärmbehandlung (Kammeröfen, Wagenherdöfen, Tieföfen, Bandöfen). 2. Tiegelöfen zum schmelzen und warmhalten der NE-Metallen. 3. Badöfen zum schmelzen und warmhalten Aluminiumlegierungen. 4. Einrichtungen zum Raffination und Modifikation Gusslegirung. 5. Badöfen zum Feuerverzinkung 6. Brennöfen der Keramik. 7. Industrietrocknere. 8. Reparaturen[...]

Koneckie Zakłady Odlewnicze S.A. more

Страна: Польша
Район: Kielce
Город: Końskie
Улица: 1 Maja 57
Телефон: +48 41 3727257
Факс: +48 41 3727245
Firm Rank: 0
KZO SA have well grounded traditions and experience in grey iron casting. Our company produces about 400 cast iron sewage products. Product types, mainly: - socket tubes and fittings - non-socket tubes and fittings produ¬ced in accordance with PN-EN 877 standard (systems DKI) - sewer manholes class A, B,C and D produced in accordance with PN-EN 124 standard - sewer steps - street boxes for water and gas installations - street and bridge sewage inlets 30% of them are exported. The company[...]

IPD Consulting Sp. z o. o. more

Страна: Польша
Район: Silesia
Город: Mysłowice
Улица: Nad Przemszą 49
Телефон: +48 32 2669411
Факс: +48 32 3631405
Firm Rank: 0
We act as representatives of the following companies on the Polish market: 1. PanTrac GmbH - a world leader in the manufacturing of carbon brushes 2. Makin Metal Powders Ltd. - a leading producer of non-ferrous metal powders 3. We also represent Ecka Granulate Velden GmbH in the area of electrolytic copper powder. We operate in a number of industries and the list of our customers includes several hundred enterprises both in Poland and abroad. Our activity on the market has been acknowledged[...]