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Category:Energy & Raw materials


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Country: Kyrgyzstan
Region: Kyrgyzstan
City: Бишкек
Street: пр. Чуй, 207, офис 6
Phone: +996 312 613297
Fax: +996 312 464000
Firm Rank: 0
ANISELENA offers B2B services and solutions: 1. Accounting services (acconting, tax optimization, reports presenting to authorities, etc.) Price - from USD25 per month. 2. Juridical services (Incorporation, reregistration, liquidation of companies of any juridical form) Price for incorporation, re-registration - USD105. Liquidation - USD200. 3. Backup power solutions (invertors) An alternative to diesel generator. Does not need fuel, does not make noise, no exhaust, voltage regulation,[...]