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Category:Energy & Raw materials

Country:Czech Republic

Featured companies

FORCUT s.r.o. more [english] [german]

Country: Czech Republic
Region: Czech Republic
City: Ostrava-Vitkovice
Street: Ruska 1480
Phone: +420 595956387
Fax: +420 595952534
Firm Rank: 0
We are supplier of tool steel and semi-finished products for: - die and mould makers (mould steel, hot working steel, "St" grades ..) - cutting and pressing tool makers (cold work steel, special steels, "St" grades ..) Our product range: Normalie Tables with milled perimeter (toleration ± 0,1 mm), grinding base and opposite side (toleration ± 0,05 mm). The toleration can be modified according to the customer´s demand. Milled tables Shook are angular on the[...]

Modemtec s.r.o. more

Country: Czech Republic
Region: Czech Republic
City: Trzyniec
Street: Oldrzychowice
Phone: +42 558 324799
Fax: +42 558 324799
Firm Rank: 0
ModemTec s.r.o. deals with a development and production of communication equipment over existing low voltage power distribution systems 230V/50Hz (Powerline Communication - PLC). This equipment belongs to the most advanced technologies in the field of narrow-band communication in existing power distribution networks reliably working within a distance of several kilometers. ISAR - Intelligent System for Automated Reading is a system for measuring energy consumption and electricity take-off control[...]

Ekoefekt A.S. more

Country: Czech Republic
Region: Czech Republic
City: Trebivlice
Street: Semecska 187
Phone: +420 47 6732214
Fax: +47 47 6732214
Firm Rank: 0
Solid fuel boilers using brown coal. Hot-wa automatic brown-coal boilers producer The company has been developing and producing boilers more than 10 years. Hot-water automatic biomass boiler producer. Engineering works. The company is specialized in producing hot-water boilers which combusting biomasu, mixtured fuel (wooden chips, brown coal). The part of technological equipment was supported by SAPARD program EU.[...]

S.P.B. Investment Group Ltd. more

Country: Czech Republic
Region: Czech Republic
City: Strakonice
Street: 1.maje 1140
Phone: +420 383 323990
Firm Rank: 0
Society S.P.B . Investment Group Ltd . Has like main operation traffic in tyres. In addition yet trades with petroleum products as are D2, kerosen and gas. Also do business with valuable funds such as Bank Quarantee, Promissory Note and alike. Interlock for ours clients traffic in row of other commodities as is sugar, cement, rape and rape oil.[...]

Janina Buszynska more

Country: Czech Republic
Region: Czech Republic
City: Ostrava
Street: Nadrazni 107
Phone: +420 591135434
Fax: +420 591135434
Firm Rank: 0